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Transform Your Anxious, Fearful or Reactive Dog into a Calm and Confident Companion

Dogs who bark, lunge on walks or jump on people aren’t trying to stress you out—they’re feeling overwhelmed by their feelings - often fear. Here’s the good news: there’s hope! With specialized training, your unruly pup can become a calm, confident companion whose good manners impress everyone they meet.


Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You adore your dog, but their behavior is exhausting.

  • You’ve tried training on your own but aren’t seeing results.

  • You worked with a trainer—maybe even one using modern methods—but it didn’t help.

  • You feel frustrated, embarrassed and dread walks because of your dog’s chaotic behavior.

  • You wish your dog would stop doing the things that drive you crazy.

  • You just want to enjoy life with your dog the way you imagined when you first brought them home.

The Right Help Changes Everything

  • Fearful, anxious and reactive dogs are good dogs—they just need specialized support. That’s exactly what we do!

  • Take a deep breath and let go of the overwhelm. I understand what you're going through because I've been there myself. You don’t have to do this alone.

  • Say goodbye to stress and frustration. Let’s work together to create lasting change for you and your dog❤️🐶.

  • Schedule a Consultation Today

Here's what clients have to say...

Reactive Dog Client

"Simco started to get more protective and nippy over time. He was barking and growling more. Ruth determined the underlying issues & created a tailored approach to help our dog feel safe and comfortable. Simco is back to being a calm, mellow, loving dog and part of the family. I recommend Ruth."

- Dave, Simco's Dog Dad
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